Monday, February 8, 2010

Feeling big and bold but not beautiful

Monday morning—Gah!

What to do first?

Wash clothes?

Watch out for the black hairy dime-sized spider Will said he saw scampering around the machine.

Sweep floors?

The crumbs accumulate with astonishing alacrity, along with tiny toys, paper scraps, unmatched socks and Barbie clothes that seldom cover the dolls’ unrealistic body parts but often end up in the laundry, adding to the already overwhelming piles (with spiders lurking around in them, apparently).

File paperwork?

What a relentless, onerous task—even though I’ve signed up for every paperless statement imaginable, my mailbox still fills with the compressed pulp of tree carcasses demanding an answer, or a check, or a decision to recycle the envelope for the umpteenth time.

Sort my wardrobe?

That swarming smattering mass of textiles ranging from size 12 to 22, with maternity clothes mixed in—about half of them well-intentioned offerings of formerly pregnant friends whose bodies at 9 months with child were still slimmer than mine at 15 weeks along.

Last week I read a blog entry by a friend of a friend of a friend who wrote that she felt most beautiful at 8 months pregnant. She testified that she had received more compliments in recent weeksfor her “belly bump” and her “glow”than ever before in her life.

And I thought: Ha! Pregnancy, while miraculous and wonderful in many ways, wears well on women who start out thin and then gain their perfect 25-35-pound weight allotment primarily around the middle, from whence their adorable “baby bump” will diminish to pancake flatness within weeks following the delivery of their child.

On women like me—born big and seemingly destined to remain so—the baby bump only presses out the flab at first and pregnancy proceeds to pack on double the recommended poundage, not only on my abdomen, but also on my bottom, hips, thighs, ankles, arms, wrists, neck and earlobes. I’m not bitter—it’s just...

Monday morning—Gah!



Anonymous said...

Pregnancy does, at times, lose its appeal :) It's really no wonder why moms get to feeling "blue" from time to time. I hope there is something beautiful and inspirational in your day to lift your spirits.

Anonymous said...

Since I was a baby until now. I want to take some time out and thank those who have been a special part in my life. They have put a roof over my head when it rained, a good meal in my stomach when I was hungry and helped me when facing some very difficult decisions. I want to thank the employees at SUBWAY!

Nina said...

You are being WAY too hard on yourself. I guarantee that you DO have a glow. You may feel like a blimp, but no one sees you as one. They see you as beautifully pregnant, so enjoy it!!!! You are a blessed woman.

Anonymous said...

Personal anecdotes are amoung the most valuable assets you can have. You should stockpile as many as you can remember. For example you most embarrassing experience, learning to drive, your first day on the job or anecdotes that your parents told you when you were younger. Someday I'm sure you will do the same with your children.

Sherrie said...

You are one of the most beautiful women I know, pregnant or not!

jrbm said...

I'm sorry I am not impressed by dime-sized spiders anymore. If I was around I'd come over and dispatch the little bugger for you. do you want me to have elton lend you his golf club? It is a multipurpose bug/snake killer/walking stick :-)

As far as feeling beautiful at 8 months... I don't get that either. I don't have a baby bump. I just have a general thickening of the mid-section and most people just think I'm fat not pregnant... So I'm with you on the feeling of not "wearing" pregnancy well.

Despite it all it will be worth it to endure it to hold our little bundles of joy.