My Blog Bug has laid dormant for the past week and a half. In its place, my mind has been taken over by Event Planner Bee—and a busy bee is he! (Sorry for the cheese. This is the voice of a reluctant writer—one who feels she
should write but doesn’t feel much like it.)
I’ve been having flashbacks to my work as an event planner for my alma mater. They’re not pleasant memories. I don’t know whether it’s because I’m really not cut out for event planning, or whether it’s because my first real experience with the craft coincided with the birth of my first child. Going back to work full-time 6 weeks post-partum would have been hard enough. Going back to said work 2 weeks before a major event for which I was largely responsible was, in a word, nightmarish. I really don’t want to talk about it.
It’s not SO bad this time. I mean, sure, my kids have multiplied times 3½, but they’re fairly independent and the littlest kid remains on the easier side of the belly. I still feel out of my element, but my background seems to have steeled me somewhat to the taunts of the inevitable To-Do List associated with this sort of thing. And really, compared to the College Homecoming, at which the Banquet was only 1 of about 10 big events
within the Big Event, this fundraising dinner I have coming up is entirely do-able. (Do I sound like I’m trying to convince myself?)
“We can make our plans, the LORD determines our steps.”—Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)