Thursday, August 5, 2010

My small, small world

It’s Wednesday, right? No, Thursday…
I have entered the time warp that is my post-partum, been-out-of-the-house-only-4-times-in-the-past-12-days (and 1 of those times was a trip to the clothesline!), currently small, small world. I want to write, but I can barely think about anything but baby, and I’ve got a baby blog for sharing those thoughts (however incoherent). (And I reissue the invitation to write me at iluvalbion-at-yahoo-dot-com for the baby blog URL—I would broadcast it here, but I’m using our real names and therefore inclined to guard it more closely than this one.)
So, Life in A-Town suffers. In lieu of an official guest blogger (because I’m not that sophisticated, and certainly not organized enough to arrange such a thing), I direct my readers to Holly Goes Lightly, where the author recently penned a prescient post about the elusive milieu of contentment.
(See? My brain’s not all Mommy Mush—I just finessed the words “prescient” and “milieu” into the same sentence…although C. Harold Hurley would surely disapprove my lavish language. Sigh. Enough! Go read Holly. Should she get a dog, or not? I suspect it’s already been decided.)

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