Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Schoolgirl giddy about taking to the stage

It might well be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever done. And also the most fun.
This Saturday afternoon I make my debut at the Pratt Opera House in Downtown Albion. It’s true! I co-star with Maarit Vaga and Kristina Phillips in a super-silly Gilbert and Sullivan song called “Three Little Maids from School.”

Mind you, all of us are married women, our schoolgirl days long behind us. But our rehearsals have had us twirling, giggling, be-bopping and behaving like ladies half our age, at least. I’m so glad I accepted this preposterous proposal:
“Yes!” I gushed — “I would love to perform in a mini-vaudeville show” (even though I haven’t stepped on a stage since 1992).

“OK!” I eagerly agreed — “I will wear a kimono and a wig and flip-flops with socks” (even though I’m pretty sure I’ll be sweating so much all my make-up will melt off in the first three measures).
“Yum-Yum?! My name is Yum-Yum?! Sure, I’ll play that part,”I promised (and I’ll take no offense at all when my now-British BFF LOLs at me over instant-message and informs me that Yum Yums are a popular brand of doughnuts across the pond).

The very dignified Darryl Smith is our collaborator (aka accompanist).
Come see for yourself: This Saturday, September 22, 2-5 pm —our little show and other fun stuff happening in and around the Pratt Opera House (about the middle of the block just south of the Erie Canal, on the west side of Main Street). Admission is free. The memory will be priceless.


Dana said...

Wish I could be there -- break a leg Marsha! (Glad you're still blogging, by the way!)

Stephy said...

I wish wish wish I could be there to support you and giggle along!! Have a great time!

Nina said...

Can you post a video???

Tirlittan said...

Yum-Yum! You were a most excellent cohort to cavort about the stage with...[i can hear the grammarians sharpening their pencils]...Thank you for the best afternoon that stage has seen in a century!!