Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Untended Garden

I love things like this—lovely things that grow in spite of my inattention.

Things like these purple tulips that I bought from a friend’s daughter’s marching band fundraiser. (I felt somewhat obligated, in a “I loved marching band, so I should support this girl’s marching band” kind of way.) I bought them, I planted them (again, somewhat obligingly—I didn’t want to waste the money I’d invested in the overpriced band tulips), and then they bloomed. A miracle!

And then fall came, and withered leaves covered the tiny garden by the corner of my front porch. I didn’t rake them up in time. Snow fell, and I forgot about the tulips. And the leaves. And then spring came, more than a month ago—early this year. Not just by the solstice date, but by the temperatures. Mid-80s by late March is anomalous in A-Town.

I’ve had plenty of weeks to clean up the little flower bed, but I haven’t yet. “I’m too busy.” “I’m pregnant.” “We had a house guest coming.” All sorts of excuses. And guilt—always the guilt.

It didn’t matter. They came up anyway. Good, gracious tulips. (Thanks, God.)


sherrie said...

That is what I love about tulips and daffodils and crocus! Just the work of planting them and then they do their thing all on their own with God's hand doing all the handiwork! Same with hyacinth, lilacs, and wild rose bushes! All the sudden you have blooms that make you smile! I wish there were something like that for every season :-)

Nina said...

Gorgeous tulips!

You are lucky (or blessed). Something underground eats my tulip bulbs. They must be tasty.

Anonymous said...

Purple tulips for Purple Eagles. Love it.