Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Things to read while I wait

Since summer began, I’ve been trying to read more. I tend to be rather sporadic about reading. I have good intentions. And I have many good books. But sometimes my focus is elsewhere, such as putting on a fundraiser for work, or preparing the house for a baby, and I just don’t seem to want to read…even though, theoretically, I want to read (if that makes sense).

In the past 2-3 weeks, I have started and finished two lovely, well-written books: Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy and “Women’s Work,” by Kathleen Norris, and Surprise Child, by Leslie Leyland Fields.

QM is about how God is accessible and transformation possible even in—maybe especially in—the most mundane parts of life. (That summary doesn’t do the book justice. It’s short; just read it.)

CS is the account of a happily married mom of 4 who, in her 40s, finds herself unexpectedly expecting…twice. While writing candidly about her 5th and 6th pregnancies, including the rise and fall of her ugly feelings, she also shares interviews with several other women, adolescents through middle age, who coped with this “problem,” too.

Last night I picked up a third book, one that has been recommended to me many times, by an author I have enjoyed in the past. About 60 pages in, I’m quitting. I just can’t seem to stomach Anne Lamott right now. Normally I can tolerate her whininess and occasional F-bombs because, underneath her edgy exterior, I find her funny, insightful and sincere in the Christian faith we share. However, her Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son’s First Year is making me anxious and grumpy, and my already-hormonal state of being doesn’t need that kind of encouragement.

Moving on, I think I’ll try He Shines in All That’s Fair: Culture and Common Grace, by Richard J. Mouw. An author shift, for sure, from hippie to academic. But at this point in time, Grace needs all the grace she can get!


Holly said...

I could see how Operating INstructions could make one anxious- give it a try again, though, in a year or so. (One of my favorites.) Plus, I'm sure you'll have a DELIGHTFUL baby! It's her recent essays that have made my stomach churn- her last book of essays had a chapter about how much she's in favor of abortion followed by her helping a friend with cancer kill himself. Really.

Happy waiting!

MGBR said...

Yes, I read that recently, too...3-4 months ago. (Grace Eventually, right?) Regarding her abortion rights tirade, I couldn't help but think of Shakespeare: "The lady doth protest too much." Meaning, maybe she bears deep regret but denies it.

Nina said...

Yes, I know exactly what you mean about wanting to read, but not wanting to. My stack of wanna read books keeps growing faster than I read them. So, sometimes, an unread book slips onto my shelf and out of the wanna read pile.

BTW, have I ever written to you (or Will) about "Farm Hands?" Loved it!! I don't think I ever sent my "review." Just too much to do in a day -- even without little kids.

Sherrie said...

I too long to read, but the most recent necessity of needing glasses to do it takes all the fun out of it for me. Not sure why. I have a stack of books that I really want to get into. Maybe once the house is empty this fall and I am lonely and in need of friends it will outweigh the irritation of glasses!