Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just Say “No” to…

Switching bags. As if I don’t have a hard enough time keeping track of things, I’ve got about 4 bags in rotation right now and I’m so, so confused. Also, Will just informed me that his “main bag” has been missing for more than a month! How did I not know this?! [I predict a future A-Town entry entitled, “Our house is like an ocean/The tide takes what it will.”]

Cake mix cookies. Especially after 7 p.m. They’re way too easy, way too tasty, and way too bad, bad, bad! (In case you choose to disregard my admonition, Devil’s Food Cake mix works best. My conscience won’t allow me to hyperlink a recipe here.)

Discouragement. To draw from one of my newly acquired Bible Quizzing quotes: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”John 10:10. Satan seeks to rob me of the joy of the Lord, and the joy of the Lord is my strength. I won’t let Satan “poof” out my light—I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

Mom jeans (a la Tina Fey). My own mother meant well when she provided these thrift-store finds for my post-partum wardrobe, but I’m giving them back to the Goodwill. Immediately. Since this pregnancy-induced padding persists for now, I’m at least gonna try to make it look good. Gonna “hip up” those hips! (…and some hips they be!) 

Not flossing. Unless you inherited invincible enamel, as Will Waters apparently did (as, I dare hope, did our children), daily flossing is a minor hassle worth its weight in “tooth-colored composite,” as my dentist so eloquently dubbed my new filling today. Doc H is a nice guy and all, but I’d rather restrict our relationship to happenstance meetings in the grocery line.

Be my guest, add to my list—go ahead, it’s fun: “Just Say No” to…


Anonymous said...

....e-mail forwards


....artificial sweeteners


....being a yes-man (or woman)

Anonymous said...

Where did you find that ditsy jeans photo??

Anonymous said...

I have a great idea to try, but haven't started yet--make a "map" of all the stuff in my storage room so I can find it quickly when needed. This could apply to your bag collection if you weren't too busy.

Anonymous said...

Perfectionism! The obsessive kind anyway. I suppose perfectionism has its uses when it produces excellence. Sometimes it's just a big hindrance.

Really like your thoughts about cake mix cookies. I could probably list a zillion things in that general category. ;-)

MGBR said...

"camping" -- ha! this weeds out several potential readers who heart camping! -- agreed on the artificial sweeteners (although I do enjoy a nice, cold Diet Pepsi now and again)

the "ditsy jeans" photo is a video still from the Tina Fey "Mom Jeans" spoof on Saturday Night Live (a show that generally fits into the "Just Say No" category...although some of their sketches do put me in stitches, e.g., "What Up With That?") -- I couldn't find a professional quality video link of the Mom Jeans sketch, but here's one recorded from the telly:

the bag collection is, like so much of my stuff, amoebic and amorphous, ever-changing, ever-moving...a map would not work, unfortunately -- I simply need to simplify!

perfectionism! yyyyyesssss! (I'm embarrassed to admit I counted the y's and s's as I typed them, for symmetry -- am I hopeless? no! thank God, truly--none of us is)