Saturday, September 8, 2012

I know I can, I know I can...

Today marks the end of my Eat To Live experiment. It worked! As advertised — a little better, even. The book cover promo proffered : “Lose 20 lbs. or more in 6 weeks.” I lost 22. 

The hardest part about it — well, besides the first four days of intensive caffeine withdrawal, including headaches, nausea and a low-grade fever — was eating only three times per day. I had always been a nosher who felt compelled to consume at tummy’s first rumble. Heck, I didn’t even need a rumble. I often at each and every sign or notion of food … because I was bored, stressed, or “just because.”
The same wise, willowy doc who had attempted to persuade me to change my eating habits in the past tried to tell me all it would take is “a few small changes” to achieve better health and find freedom from gluttony. I did not believe her. And I still think she was wrong. What I needed was a radical overhaul, and Eat To Live has filled that bill.

So, what now? More of the same. I’m won over to this lifestyle. I actually like eating this way. I like the way it makes me feel — less anxious, desperate and helpless; more calm, collected and in control of my dietary destiny.
Actually, I think it was the epiphany I experienced on a jog 22 pounds ago that led me to finally defeat defeatism in my eating life. Remember? I was heading out one Sunday afternoon, reflecting on my feelings of shame for having eaten this, that and the other thing, plus seconds, when my memory jolted me with the Scripture: “[I may be ashamed of my bad eating habits, BUT] I am not ashamed of the gospel because it the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.” (Romans 1:16)

As I jogged, I reaffirmed my faith and I also thought: Maybe (ha — ya think?!) … maybe this power of God can not only save my soul for eternity but also save my soul from slavery to the sin of gluttony. Yes! Yes, I believe that’s part of the divine plan — save these poor people, here and now and forever! That’s when I decided I could do it, through the power of God working through me. I had/have been underutilizing God’s power for far too long, living a lesser life than I’m meant to enjoy … and not only to enjoy, but also to help others. By taking better care of my own soul, I am better equipped to bless the people around me — primed and ready! I thank God for providing this insight and this “indescribable gift” — a divine sacrifice that empowers us to live abundantly while on earth and live eternally in the hereafter.
That’s how I feel — not just less anxious and more controlled, but empowered! Something I had not thought possible (oh me of little faith) is actually happening! Now I wonder: What else might I be capable of doing through God’s power?! First on my list and the object of my next experiment: Conquering clutter! Cliché, I know, but this is something that has weighed me down for years, and I refuse to cower under its oppressive influence any longer. By next Saturday, I will have completed my next go-to guide, Taking the “U” Out of Clutter (by Mark Brunetz and Carmen Renee Berry), and I will begin another six-week leg on my journey to Yes!

i thank You God for most this amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday; this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings: and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any — lifted from the no
of all nothing — human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

e. e. cummings


Holly said...

You look wonderful... I ended up picking up Eat to Live at the bookstore. I'm contemplating it, but you know how I feel about my DP... Oh, and love you too.

Jeanne Daningburg said...

Because of your post six weeks ago, Marcia, I have begun the same program. I feel great, and want to thank you for your honest, earnest writing that inspires others! Thank you!

Scott said...

Congradulations on losing 22 pounds. Now, let's celebrate and go to Tim Hortons and have a jelly doughnut.