Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Three months into my veggie-eating lifestyle…

I am 34 pounds lighter, just 7 pounds heavier than high school.

I love toasted walnuts. By themselves. Almost as much as I used to enjoy fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. I’m supposed to limit myself to 1 oz of nuts a day. I was fine by this rule until I discovered toasted walnuts.

I am wardrobe challenged. When I dropped from size 18 to size 16, I found I had plenty of clothes in storage that fit me. When I dropped from 16 to 14, I had a few things, but I had to go shopping. I invested in a select number of regular retail items and hit the thrift stores for the other stuff. At the same time, people started giving me clothes because it was so obvious I needed them.

Now, I have dropped to a size 12. I never would have guessed this would happen. I assumed size 14 was the slimmest I would ever be as an almost-middle-aged, post-child-bearing woman. I was wrong.

I am struggling to stick to the Eat To Live plan. Chilly weather seems to heighten my desire for food—especially those cozy carbs. I guess maybe my mother is right: I should hang onto my size 14s.


Anonymous said...

You look fantastic! Your hard work has definitely paid off. Save the size fourteen clothes for someone who is inspired by your journey and may need them.

Scott said...

Nothing taste as good as being thin feels.
“I want to lose weight by eating nothing but moon pies, which have significantly less gravity than earthier foods such as fruits and vegetables.”

rec_girl said...

:) You are rocking! Way to go!