Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday Tidbits: Tight Muscles and Happy Endings

I rejoined the local ladies’ gym this morning. First elliptical workout in 4 months. I’d rather be running, but my pelvic injury seems to need more time to heal before I go pounding it to oblivion. Back to low-impact for me. I don’t think I’ve blogged about this, but I slipped on the ice on February 19th. I caught myself, but the sudden jerking motion in my hip caused a severe strain on my psoas muscle. Being a runner, I continued running anyhow…well, as soon as the weather turned spring-like, I ran. For a few months I got by with stretching and regular chiropractic adjustments. But after the A-Town 5k in June, I decided to really address the problem. I sought out some massage therapy, and I’ve been do my stretches and such with greater diligence. I rested a bit, then tried running again. The problem persisted. I rested again, tried running again—still not ready. So, for now, I’m taking it in stride, inside—elliptical stride, that is.

In other news—on a previously blogged topic: Ginger the homeless cat has a new home! I’ve been waiting to post the glad tidings until I was reasonably sure it would work out. It’s been 3 weeks since the B Family took him in, and—so far—no complaints. Assuming this adoption sticks, Ginger will have gone from roaming the streets to living with A-Town royalty—really! Liz B. was the A-Town prom queen this year. And now Ginger is “lapping up” the affections of this lovely young lady. Happy ending.

Lastly, it’s camp week for Vi and thus rather quiet in the Waters household. We miss her, but we’re sure she’s having a fabulous time. Last year when we picked her up from camp she requested to re-up for the next week…and the next! Actually, she wanted to live at camp for the rest of the summer because, apparently, our house is boring. (Could’ve fooled me!)


Sherrie said...

FYI: Ginger update (I feel that I can as I am now his aunt) his name is now James! Poor thing will have multipersonalities to go with his nine lives! I do not know if he has met up with cousin Tasker, Tasker has been quiet on the news front. He is just basking in the glory that he out-lasted yet another dog since Sage moved in with her owner/boy/son who moved into his own apartment!

MGBR said...

Perfect! He's James the Giant Peach Cat!