Saturday, September 25, 2010

Santa Claus Coming from A-Town

I’ve been neglecting this blog in favor of the baby (good choice, right?), but since she’s asleep and the other kids are happily occupied, I am sitting down to write in the same way I started Life in A-Town: A Saturday morning, a cup of coffee, and no idea what I’m going to say.
Today is Charles W. Howard Day in A-Town, a celebration of the original Santa Claus School and its founder, a native son. It’s also Homecoming at my alma mater 30 miles away. The Waters Family took a “divide and conquer” approach to this dilemma: Will and Vi went to the college, specifically to run the annual 5k race held in memory of one of our classmates. Ben, Pearl, Lia and I dressed up in Christmas-y clothes and strolled up the street for the Santa festivities, which turned out to be a bit boring for the kids, but fun for me. Stuff like that makes me feel all fuzzy about our little village, and reinforces my doubts that I could ever leave for good. Providentially, I married a man with an even greater aversion to moving than my own, and whose affection for A-Town also runs deep and wide.
Today is also my mother-in-law’s birthday. (Happy Birthday, Mom—across the miles.) I often see sweet little houses here and wonder if she could ever be persuaded to move. Maybe someday, but I suspect she feels as strongly about her roots as I do about mine—possibly stronger, since she’s had a few more years to grow them.
Lately I’ve been thinking (again) about revealing the identity of A-Town in this blog (more blatantly than I have in the past … even in this very post, there’s an embedded give-away). Part of me thinks, “Who really cares, one way or the other?” Part of me thinks, “No—continue to protect your young family’s privacy.” But then I wonder if the blog might be more meaningful to more people (translate: more widely read) if it were, more decidedly, an A-Town blog. (And ultimately, wouldn’t it be great if someone wanted to pay me to write it? How much do people make when they “Monetize” with Google Ads anyhow?)
I recently watched the movie Julie and Julia, in which “Julie” cooked and blogged her way through “Julia (Child)’s” Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I relate to Julie, the frustrated writer (but not so much to Julie, the lover of cooking). Do I want to write simply for the enjoyment of it? Yes, but that’s not all. I want my writing to make a difference to someone other than myself. I also see the appeal (for writer and readers alike) of a blog like Julie’s, with a goal and a deadline. I tend to be a “go with the flow” kind of gal (except for some things, like recycling at the office—ask my co-workers). Goals and deadlines are for Type A’s, of which I am not one. But I do long for some structure in my life—certainly more than I’ve had these past 9 weeks, since Lia’s arrival. Maybe my return to part-time work in 9 days will scratch that itch, and I can go on blathering aimlessly here on this amorphous sliver of the blogosphere.
We shall see… (Leave it to me to remain “undecided.”)


Anonymous said...

I missed seeing you today, saw Will from a distance, looking forward to catching up later this week. I love your blog the way it is, I have actually been reading more of the more "popular" blogs with advertisement and I've noticed a couple things, first they are far too commercial (I don't like that) and secondly there is quite a bit of backlash in comments sections towards some of these bloggers. We can talk more next week!

Julie said...

Always oddly comforting to hear you work out your blogging issues out loud. I find it embarrassing every time I blog that I haven't written more often (and I have nothing as interesting, cute, and time-consuming as your excuse! :)

But trying to blog on...

I love 'Julie and Julia'! Always makes me hungry and tempts me to cook with more butter tho...