Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blathering blogette in a pink pok-a-dot jumpsuit

Now that I know you’re listening (via comments and stats), you won’t be able to shut me up—I’ll be a blathering blogette!* I’ll be “incorrigible,” a la Kurt, from The Sound of Music. 

Speaking of TSOM, my friend Mary tells me that the whole cast will be on The Oprah Winfrey Show tomorrow. I hardly ever watch TV, but the prospect of a few moments with Captain von Trapp might just motivate me to turn on the tube.

I met him once, you know—not the real CVT, but the actor, Christopher Plummer. It was 1994 and I wore a pink pok-a-dot jumpsuit for the occasion. My sister “Beulah” works for a radio station. Capt. Dreamy was set to visit, so B shamelessly abused her position as a peon and smuggled me in. We waited outside the studio and accosted our all-time favorite actor with eyes like saucers and breathy exclamations of respect and admiration. He put up with us for a whole 30 seconds before saying, “So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye.”

*OK, so the Wiktionary defines “blogette” as a small blog. But I’m using it here as a feminine form of blogger. (I like to make up words, especially when alliterative opportunities arise.)

P.S. The fact that Plummer is now an octogenarian does not diminish his beauty—and Get! This! When looking up his age on just now (not that it matters), I found out we share a birthday! Well, “Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens!”


Mary said...

Oh my gosh, I love this and I am now officially jealous that you have met "the captain" Since I'll be at work, I'm recording it! We can chat about it later.

Holly said...

Saw him perform as Lear a few years back. Had a massive crush on him when I was little. It was him, Superman, and Han Solo.

Is it auf? Is the f silent? Hmmm.

Auntie Jean said...

I am all smiles at this post. :D