Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bibbidi - Bobbidi - Boo-yeah!

I, Grace, have a very exciting announcement: I made pumpkin soup today! From an actual pumpkin (spherical orange object so popular this time of year). Plus half an onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 cans of chicken broth, a dollop of whole milk, and a few sprinkles of dried parsley flakes that might have been in the cupboard forever, but who cares?! I made something from (almost) scratch! Hurrah for moi!

Two out of 2 grown-ups in the household have deemed it yummy. The one kid to try the soup so far didn't fancy it, but she adored the (store-bought) bread and butter I served on the side. My other 2 solid food eater offspring are off gallivanting at Tuesday evening activities (Scouts for Ben, dance classes for Vi). The fourth child will surely enjoy the soup, since it will be specially processed and formulated just for her.

Ironically, I didn't even have to cook tonight. A very thoughtful woman from our church called this morning to say she would be dropping off something for us. I didn't have long to wonder what it could be when she showed up at my side door, handed me a half-full plastic grocery bag, and flitted away. I thanked her very much, stepped back inside, and opened the bag to find another bag--of salad--plus a pizza coupon, a 20-dollar-bill and a handwritten note saying, in sum: "Congratulations on your darling 3-month-old! Enjoy some supper, on me."

I am convinced there would be more converts to Christianity if everyone could experience the kindness of our particular congregation. "I Stand Amazed in Their Presence."

So, even though I didn't have to make soup tonight, I could, and so I did. Pizza will be perfect some other evening, I'm sure, and we will be grateful to that dear lady. We already are.


Holly said...

You can make FOOD out of those things??? Will wonders never cease.

Scott said...

The pumpkin season has arrived. I wouldn't throw away the seeds from your pumpkin! Toast them in the oven for a delicious and healthy snack. Pumpkin seeds are one of nature's almost perfect foods.