Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Snap judgments made while running through an American village in the springtime

Lilacs are lovely.
Apple blossoms are magnificent.
Tulips are too short-lived.
Small houses are sweet.
Tall trees are regal.
Riding mowers on little lawns are silly.
The smell of just-cut grass should be a controlled substance.
Running is my kind of high.


Susan Degnan said...

Speaking of running. I saw you go by yesterday. I'm not use to this new format on FB yet. I just happen to come across this post. It's 4:30 AM. What else is there to do? I hear the still small voice of my Lord saying, "Talk to me. I'm waiting for you".

Lisa Jane said...

I love it! How true every word is :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad that perfumes of spring are not controlled substances and that they are calorie-free.