Friday, September 25, 2009

Yo, Sugar

YoCrunch, the jig is up. It was bound to happen. Now that Ben is Mr. Big Kindergartener, his emerging powers of initiative and ingenuity have brought him to this: Breyers yogurt-candy combo cups—the ones Will insists on buying, despite my shrewd observations about their convenience-food cost, not to mention their astronomical sugar content.

Are you familiar with these little phonies? Fifty cents (on sale) will get you 6 ounces of Breyers yogurt, packaged with a cute container of granola or candy on top. By “cute,” I mean there’s about a tablespoon of bonus additives to the product, which (according to the package) “makes it easy to have fun & enjoy a healthy snack.”

Healthy? Ha! The strawberry kind featuring the “100% Natural Lowfat Granola” packs 190 calories, including 27 grams of sugar. That’s about 6 ½ teaspoons’ worth in 6 ounces of yogurt—I call that high density! Another strawberry version comes with a “cute” serving of M&M candies. That ups the sugar content to 31 grams, or nearly 7 ½ teaspoons of the sweet stuff—200 calories in the M&M YoCrunch, roughly the same as a full-sized Hershey’s Heath Bar.

So it’s bad enough that we have YoCrunch in our ’frig. But last night, Ben turbo-boosted his yogurt. He left the living room in search of a snack and came back a few minutes later mixing up some YoCrunch. “I’m making this extra good,” he exclaimed. “Uh-oh,” I said, admittedly amused. “Did you mix in 2 candy toppings?” I guessed.

“No, 3!” Ben boasted from behind his mouthful.

Miraculously, Ben bedded down compliantly as usual an hour later. But I hope this incident convinces Tom to reconsider his shopping habits. It’s only a matter of time before Ben skips the “Yo” and consumes only the “Crunch.”


Anonymous said...

So, is it Will or Tom who buys this garbage?! Either one, he reminds me of MY dad, and how he used to go on payday and get a big loaf of fresh italian bread, a block of real butter, pepperochinis, and pop. It was so great, but SO bad!

Anonymous said...

Hey Grace, I think you might have just outed your husband, Will er Tom. :)
Your friend Frances.

MGBR said...

Quite alright, Franny! ;-)

Julie said...

I know! May as well have ice cream! I have been eating the Stonyfield Farm Greek yogurt lately- the honey flavor with some walnuts tossed in- way lower calories, low sugar, and 15 grams protein!! It's good!

Nina said...