Monday, January 3, 2011

"Breakin' Free" & Christmas Ain't Over, Peeps!

It’s the New Year, and I’m back to blogging, with mixed emotions. On the one hand, I do enjoy writing for writing’s sake, and it seems worthwhile to record the small delights of daily life with our lively family. On the other hand, I worry too much about who’s reading, who’s not reading, whether anyone’s reading, and whether my readers are wholeheartedly appreciating, merely tolerating, or contemptuously critiquing my words. Basically, I bring entirely too much ego to the digital page.

I recently read this testimonial about a wonderful Christian person: “There are some people who, when you look in their eyes, have apparently retreated so much from their ego that you can really see Christ in them...he’s one of them...” Yes, I breathed inwardly. I want to be that beautiful! As yet, I am not, but I continue to yield my spirit to Christ’s Spirit, aspiring to fuller inspiration, more truth, more beauty, more love to share with humankind.

On a lighter note, I’ve decided to quit weighing myself. It’s my New Year’s resolution. Stepping on the scale every day is so redundant, and so discouraging. What’s that oft-quoted definition of insanity? Something about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That accurately describes my “body life” for that past 5 months. So I’m ditching my scale (okay, just moving it—out of sight, out of mind) and forgetting that the $#@% doc said, “Your weight 6 months post-partum is where you’ll stay.” He’s wrong! Just like the college prof who said life would only get harder after college was wrong! Just like the boyfriend who told me I wasn’t free to live my own life was wrong! (I suddenly have an urge to burst into High School Musical song: “Breakin’ Free”! What a corn-ball I am, my Vi would say. And she’d be right!)

That’s all I have time for at the moment. Coming soon: A Christmas List of favorite gifts—because, contrary to popular culture, Christmas isn’t over till the 12 drummers drum!


Holly said...

Holy roses! Very pretty.

That doctor is a poop-head. I lost a lot of weight six months after birthing twins, so he can suck it. (Excuse the language.) Of course I gained it back, but at least I know it IS possible to lose it.

"'There are some people who, when you look in their eyes, have apparently retreated so much from their ego that you can really see Christ in them...he’s one of them...' Yes, I breathed inwardly. I want to be that beautiful!"

You already are.

Piano Lessons by Miss Bonnie said...

I merely enjoy your writings, Marsha! I do not critique, but always have a smile after reading them! You bring out alot of things how I feel or think! You express it well!

Mary said...

“There are some people who, when you look in their eyes, have apparently retreated so much from their ego that you can really see Christ in them...he’s one of them...” I would agree with Holly, this does describe you, don't sell yourself short! Love your blog and always look forward to reading it.

Michelle said...

I just knew the "Breakin Free" reference was going to be towards never disappoint in your writings, Marsha!!! Keep on keeping on.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, I read and always enjoy your musings about daily family life. So few women get together anymore to share these thoughts and concerns because we are working all the time....Anyway, I especially liked the one where you said you like the ordinary days almost better than the holidays--I have always felt that, but never really accepted it and thought I was a jerk for not loving Christmas and Thanksgiving and Easter more than the ordinary, regular days of my life. But you articulated that for me in a way that affirms what I feel, and now I know it is okay for me to feel that. I love routine and the beauty of ordinary days, and I now feel good about that since you wrote your feelings about such days. Thank you! Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog! I also think Jesus shines in you more than you think. To quote "anonymous," I appreciate how you capture the "beauty of ordinary days." :-)