Friday, June 7, 2013

One thing I'll say about myself: I am really good at gaining weight! I mean, some women brag about how quickly they can pack on poundage in mid-age? I am so naturally talented at this that I even excelled as a lass. Heard of the Freshman 15? My first year of college, I gained twice that amount in half the time! Yep, 30 pounds in the first semester alone. (I mean, that's gotta be some sort of record.) Recently, I have seen the scale creep up 10 kilos in 2 months (that about 22 pounds, for you non-Euros). However...HOWEVER!!! This morning I am pleased to report that I ate apple slices with (a modest amount of) almond butter for breakfast, rather than polishing off the leftover cake from my farewell party last night. Those who know how much I relish buttercream frosting can appreciate what an accomplishment that is. Onward and Upward! Er...Downward, Dawg!

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