Sunday, June 9, 2013

Proof of divine comedy

On Friday I posted my complaint about gaining weight, ending with the "Downward, Dawg" (oh, aren't I so clever?). The next morning I awoke at 4:30 a.m. feeling *sicker than a dog* and lost 5.5 pounds in one day! I vomited with such vehemence and frequency that I frightened my children. And this on what is annually one of the funnest days in A-Town: Strawberry Festival Saturday: 5k/8k race, parade, fried dough (ughhhh...the very thought...)

I am so glad my dear husband was able to chronicle the day for me and for everyone else who had to miss it. If you haven't checked out his new news site, please do!

I am also grateful to my nurse friend who came to check on me when everyone else I knew was running the race, and to those who filled in for me at various parts of the day when I was supposed to be contributing to the festivities (and had been looking forward to it!).

And most of all, thanks to my Mommy, who came to my aid, watching my kids and bringing me ginger ale and crackers. I couldn't keep them down yesterday, but I tried again this morning and (so far) have succeeded. "If at first you don't succeed..."

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