Monday, June 10, 2013

Just a few more quote-able quotes from Lucy…

Lucy sporting her new shoes

Buckling into the car yesterday (en route to Walmart, for an 11th-hour purchase of dress shoes before her piano recital): “I don’t know about you, but I am thrilled about next year!” (when she won’t have to sit in a booster seat anymore)

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Sitting on the porch this morning, waiting for the bus (sans brother, who isn’t feeling well this morning — I sure hope he isn’t afflicted with the horribleness I experienced over the weekend):

Lucy: “Do you think I’ll ever be better than Reuben at anything?”

Me: “You’re better at being Lucy!”

Lucy: “Yeah, but I mean like better at a sport or a game or something.”

Me: “Oh, probably — when you’re older, there will be something you’re better at…”

Lucy (exasperatedly): “Yeah, when I’m, like, 56, and I get a job!”
Reuben revels in post-duet triumph
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Another one sitting on the porch, which needs to be painted a.s.a.p.

Me: “We need to paint this porch.”

Lucy: “Ooo, can I help?!”

Me: “Sure. But first I need to sand it.”

Lucy: “That’s your job!”
Lucy: “Well, maybe I could help… But I’ll need a mask. And some gloves. Because I do not want any splinters!” {insert Z-snap here…she’s very expressive, this child!}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww... love these kind of moments!