Friday, February 27, 2009

Help Wanted

Into the midst of our high-pitched mess—
Come, Holy Spirit:

Move in,
Take over,
Permeate this place
with Your power and peace.

Immerse our house, every corner and crack.
Saturate our creaky, crumb-covered floors;
Bathe our naked dolls and Potato Head parts.
Ooze into our chaotic cupboards and our crayoned couches.

Blow through the books,
Swirl through the stacks,
Peruse and pervade the piles and piles of papers,
Commandeer the cable!

The clothes, laundered and un-,
strewn about the floors of the basement and bedrooms,
Please fill them.
And bless the wearers,
bearers of Your image, Your aroma, Your name,
Mess-makers, all.


Stephy said...

A tear to my eye.

Unknown said...

This is lovely.

Julie said...

Great and real! :)

Tirlittan said...

I love this! How eloquent and beautiful.

Nina said...

Pithy and realistic.