Friday, May 1, 2009

Mini-Me Bad Breath

Huge event for work last night. A smash-ing success…I think. We’ll see how the numbers turn out. It was a fundraising banquet, and this morning the counting commences. But not until 10:30.

For now, I have a few minutes of quiet before waking and readying my big kids for school and spending some quality, totally in-my-face time with my preschooler. I love it that children have little sense of personal space with their parents. There’s something inexplicably precious about nose-to-nose encounters with a 3-year-old who has morning breath. When I became pregnant with our second child, our oldest was—well, not 3, but 4. I vividly remember juggling the early-morning queasiness of pregnancy with my fierce enjoyment of first-thing cuddle sessions with Vi. I couldn’t dispense with the former, and I didn’t want to give up the latter. So I simply turned my face away from the straight-on assault of pre-breakfast Chatty Cathy.

And here comes her little sister right now, ready to hit me with her halitosis. Bring it on!


Auntie Jean said...

The other people studying around me at the library didn't appear to appreciate the deep belly laugh that just wooshed out of me.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I love baby/toddler morning breath too!

Anonymous said...

Wait. That didn't sound right. What I meant was - I love those first thing in the morning cuddling with my children times too, even if they have stinky breath (my own morning coffee break can't be so great and they don't ever seem to notice).