Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Anyone Can Wiffle

This Grace, deciding to give herself more grace.

I’m in a new job, feeling appropriately stressed and slightly overwhelmed, and yet now  is the time I tell myself to tackle that final 15 pounds of extra weight I’ve been carrying around for the last decade?! No, no, no, no, no… Grace, speak to yourself as you would to a friend:

Get through this first 3 months in your new role. Take care of yourself, yes—eat well, exercise periodically, and seek sufficient sleep. But don’t add pressure to your life by expecting to be your bathing-suit best by mid-July!

There—I feel much better!

A few other items of note in this latter part of spring:

1)      It’s downright chilly these days here in A-Town! In 3 weeks, it’s Summer. But to step outside you’d think we should be shopping for a turkey. (OK, enough whining.)

2)      In the spirit of the season (Summer, not Thanksgiving), Will is playing Wiffleball with the kids outside (dressed in corduroys and fleece). Ten minutes ago, he climbed out Pearl’s bedroom window and retrieved 8-9 balls from the back-porch rooftop. The kids were duly delighted and impressed. Who needs sunshine and warm temps as an excuse to play ball? Not the Waters fam!

3)      One thing I truly dislike (OK, I know I said I’d stop whining—just one more thing…or two): Musty clothes. This time of year, the clothes get musty, the towels get musty, even our skin gets musty, I think. Ick—I despise the persistent, pervasive aroma of…“must”!

4)      We still want to find a home for Ginger (a.k.a. Washington), but we’re running out of leads. I know I sound like a broken record, but….. (I’m wondering how much longer I should wait before delivering him back to 10 Lives.)

5)      Lastly, a shout out to Grace’s Dad—today’s his birthday. Man, am I glad you were born! (And super-glad you’re my Dad!)

Here’s my own version of American Idol/Britain’s Got Talent: Look what I found in my short search for a link to the tune, “Anyone Can Whistle.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look what I found whistle video: beautiful, yet sad somehow.